UCS Privacy Statement

Table of Contents

忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟(UCS)尊重您的隐私权,并致力于维护您的信心和信任. 我们制定了以下隐私政策,以告知您忧思617888九五至尊娱乐家联盟收集您数据的方式, why we do it, how we use it and your ability to make choices about your personal information. 请放心,当您访问我们的网站时,不会自动收集任何个人身份信息, and we provide a number of mechanisms for you to manage information you provide to us voluntarily.

How we collect visitor information

Automatic tracking via cookies. Like most websites, UCS places a "cookie," or small text file, in the browser files of visitors to our site. This allows us to collect information on website traffic or other online behavior, which we use to improve user experience. 这些cookie不会收集用户的个人身份信息,也不会链接到我们网站上的任何个人身份信息. Likewise, our site records IP address of visitors for purely functional reasons (e.g. logging geography of visitors).

UCS还使用cookie向随后访问第三方网站的我们网站的访问者显示广告. 用户保留拒绝cookie的权利,可以通过cookie设置或使用浏览器插件进行拒绝. If you accept the use of cookies on the UCS website, that acceptance will be stored for a period of three years.

Voluntary information you provide via forms. 当您通过邮件提交您的姓名或其他信息时,我们会收集您的个人识别信息, phone, or a form on our website—for example, when contacting us, donating, purchasing, subscribing to UCS email or text messages, RSVPing for an event, signing a petition, or sending an email to an action target. The exact information can vary, but may include identifying information—such as name, address, and other voluntarily provided data. By submitting this information, you are consenting to the processing of that information for the purposes identified on the form.

When you take certain actions on our site that involve third parties, such as submitting comments to a government agency or to the office of an elected official, your comments and identifying information become subject to their privacy rules, and may also be recorded or published in accordance with public records policies. UCS is not responsible for the privacy practices of any such third party.

When you donate to UCS via the phone, mail, or our website, 您的捐款信息将被加密,并通过安全连接传输到我们的付款处理器. UCS uses your credit card information only for the purpose of processing your donation. 我们不会透露这些信息,除非有必要处理您的一次性或经常性捐款.

Information Third Parties share with us. 本网站还使用第三方服务,如谷歌分析(监控和评估我们的网络流量), 以及Facebook和Twitter等社交网络平台(作为访问者的互动平台). Although UCS does not collect personally identifying information through these services, we do collect and view aggregate, anonymized information, such as the pages that users visit, the countries they visit from, and the devices they use to access them.

我们不时地用公开来源或第三方供应商的信息补充数据库中的个人数据,以改善UCS支持者的沟通和对我们支持者基础的评估. For example, we periodically use a “national change of address” database to update mailing and email addresses.

How we use collected data

您的数据存储在安全服务器上的安全数据库中,只有指定的517888九五至尊娱乐人员或批准的供应商才能访问, as described in this policy. 这些信息使我们能够向您提供有关我们517888九五至尊娱乐的最新信息,并有机会参与我们的活动,并通过捐款支持517888九五至尊娱乐.

We may use this information to customize your experience online and offline. For example, we may send you opportunities to take action or attend events in the city, state, or region in which you reside, or prepopulate a form on our website for your convenience.

自动收集的信息仅作为整体查看,并用于帮助我们改善网站体验. For example, we may run tests on our websites and display slightly different versions to different visitors. Generally, these tests are randomized, 但可能会受到设备类型或使用者是否被认可为捐赠者等因素的影响.

We never rent or sell your information. We occasionally exchange mailing addresses of donors with like-minded organizations, though we don’t exchange phone or email addresses. Otherwise, we never share your information with others, unless you request that we do so (e.g., an email sent to your senator through our website action center which you signed).

Your rights and choices


Members can opt-out of having their mailing address shared by emailing [email protected].


Additionally, you can request to be removed from any email, phone, text, or mail communications through our Contact Us form.

By submitting information through the UCS website, 用户同意将此信息传输到位于美国的UCS数据库系统. 欧盟委员会认为美国法律对数据的保护不够(尽管我们的数据库提供商证明他们的数据实践符合框架原则,通过欧盟-美国隐私盾接收欧盟居民的个人信息). 在没有充分保护和欧盟委员会认为适当的保障措施的情况下,将个人数据转移到美国可能会带来某些风险, including that United States law may not provide for data processing principles, data subject rights, or enforcement of those rights analogous to those in the European Union.

Donation information is stored on UCS databases permanently, as needed for financial record-keeping purposes. Advocacy, survey, contest, 只要用户是活跃的UCS支持者,事件信息就会存储在UCS数据库中,以便评估我们活动的有效性并定制未来的通信. This data will be removed from UCS databases after a period of three years of user inactivity.

Individuals have the right to withdraw their consent to UCS’s storage of their data at any time. Requests for data removal can be made here. Users in the European Union also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

UCS与各种数据供应商合作,他们协助我们筹集资金和分析服务,并有权访问用户数据. UCS确保有权访问用户数据的供应商遵守适用的法律和法规, including, as applicable, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Terms and conditions if you are subscribed to the UCS text messaging network

  • There is no fee from the Union of Concerned Scientists to receive text messages. Message and data rates may apply; this can be checked with your mobile service provider. Charges are billed and payable to your mobile service provider or deducted from your prepaid account. Consent is not a requirement for purchase.
  • Data obtained from you in connection with this SMS service may include your mobile phone number, your carrier’s name, 以及您通过发送回UCS 67369短代码提供的任何信息(包括日期), time, and content of your messages. We may use this information to contact you and provide the services you request from us. Alerts sent via SMS may not be delivered if the mobile phone is not in range of a transmission site, or if sufficient network capacity is not available at a particular time. Even within a coverage area, factors beyond the control of the wireless operator may interfere with message delivery, including the customer’s equipment, terrain, proximity to buildings, foliage, and weather. 无线运营商不保证信息传递,也不会对延迟或未传递的信息负责.
  • UCS对收到任何短信的任何延迟不承担任何责任,因为交付取决于您的网络运营商的有效传输.
  • By subscribing to Union of Concerned Scientists mobile alerts, 用户同意接收周期性的自动短信,以确保617888九五至尊娱乐被用来解决我们星球上最紧迫的问题. Message & data rates may apply.
  • If you have any questions, text HELP to the number you received a text message from or contact us at [email protected]. To stop receiving messages reply STOP to the same number or contact [email protected].

Updating this policy

From time to time, this privacy policy may be updated without notice. Your use of the UCS website after the date specified below constitutes your agreement to our terms.

Last updated: June 23, 2022.